Thursday, June 10, 2021

4words ~ Michelle Holmquist
2 min readJun 13, 2021


Are you new here? Welcome! Please be sure to read the pinned “About 4words” story first to make sense of what’s going on here. Then jump in, consider, and share your thoughts on today’s 4 words if you’re willing!

bra, flowers, noodles, hen

Guidelines for Commenting:

  1. Your thoughtful consideration is required before commenting. You may wish to formulate your own thoughts before reading through others’ comments, and then expand on them after reading other perspectives. That’s absolutely fine — great even!
  2. This is a place for positivity, openness, discovery, and growth. Speak your mind with kindness, and we’ll get along great.
  3. There will be no criticism, arguing, or attacks. If you don’t agree with someone else’s comments, that’s ok. You don’t need to tell them, or any of the rest of us. Discussion, on the other hand, is just groovy! If your goal is to “correct” or “teach” someone, move along. If you’re looking to understand, share, and grow, go for it! Just be sure to choose your words and your tone with that end goal in mind.
  4. Be open to learning. That’s what this is all about. I expect to discover new biases and shortcomings in myself, and so should you. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
  5. If I feel or learn that a comment is inappropriate, I reserve the right to delete it or ask you to re-work it.
  6. Repeat or blatant offenders will be blocked at my discretion.



4words ~ Michelle Holmquist

Lover of life, wife, mom, homeschooler, chicken lady, artsy-fartsy, knitter, social justice seeker, cook, animal lover, reader, table top game addict, friend.